
Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2016

Patch 6.13 Content

Patch 6 13 Banner
Patch 6.13 will hit live in the early hours of June 29th, assuming there are no delays. Here are its contents:

Store Content
New Game Mode

Nami_Splash_7 Nami_7

Unfortunately, I can’t do skin previews at the moment. Here’s the spotlight by SkinSpotlights:

Vayne_Splash_10 Vayne_10


Unfortunately I can’t do skin previews at the moment, so here’s a spotlight from SkinSpotlights:


Change BoxTeleport Final IconTeleport
  • Channel time increased from 3.5 seconds to 4.5;
  • Teleport will additionally ping allies when it’s cast;
  • The Teleport animation will now be visible to anyone who has vision within 500 units of the teleportation point (so no more invisible Brush Teleports).

Champion Changes

Blitzcrank Final Portrait

Change BoxStatic_FieldStatic Field [ R ]
  • Cooldown changed from 30 seconds at all ranks to 60/40/20.

Gnar Final Portrait

 Buff BoxRage_GeneRage Gene [ Passive ]
  • Attack Range in mini form increased from 400-485 (scales with level) to 400-500.

Buff BoxHyperHyper [ W ]
  • Base damage increased from 10/20/30/40/50 to 15/25/35/45/55.

Irelia Final Portrait

Nerf BoxTranscendent_BladesTranscendent Blades [ R ]
  • Cooldown increased from 70/60/50 seconds to 110/85/60.

Jarvan IV Final Portrait

Change BoxGolden_AegisGolden Aegis [ W ]
  • Base Shield strength decreased from 50/90/130/170/210 to 50/80/110/140/170;
  • Bonus shield per nearby ally increased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 20/40/60/80/100.

Kindred Final Portrait
  • Armor decreased from 27 [+3.25 per level] to 20 [+3.5 per level].

Change BoxWolfs Frenzy Final IconWolf’s Frenzy [ W ]
  • No longer passively heals;
  • New Passive: Wolf’s attacks against jungle monsters now slow their Attack Speed and Movement Speed by 50% for 2 seconds.

Lulu Final Portrait
  • Base Movement Speed increased from 325 to 330;
  • Base Mana increased from 292.4 to 350.

Change BoxGlitterlanceGlitterlance [ Q ]
  • Slow duration increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 2 at all ranks;
  • Targets beyond the first take 70% of Glitterlancer’s damage.

Buff BoxWhimsyWhimsy [ W ]
  • Now additionally grants 15/20/25/30/35% bonus Attack Speed for the duration of the MS buff.

Swain Final Portrait

Nerf BoxRavenous_FlockRavenous Flock [ R ]
  • Cooldown increased from 10 seconds at all ranks to 20.

Tahm Kench Final Portrait

Buff BoxAn Acquired Taste Final IconAn Acquired Taste [ Passive ] 
  • New Passive: Tahm Kench’s basic attacks and spells now deal an additional 1/1.25/1.5% (values for levels 1/11/16) of his Maximum Health as bonus magic damage. This value stacks up 3 times (up to 3/3.75/4.5%) against enemy Champions.

Buff BoxTongue_Lash (1)Tongue Lash [ Q ]
  • Base damage increased from 80/125/170/215/260 to 80/130/180/230/280.

Change BoxThick Skin Final IconThick Skin [ E ]
  • Cooldown decreased from 16/15/14/13/12 seconds to 6 seconds at all ranks;
  • Passive now stores 70/75/80/85/90% of damage dealt as gray health, decreased from 100%;
  • Gray health now returns 25/30/35/40/45% of its value back as normal health, increased from 20/26/32/38/44%;
  • Duration of active shield decreased from 6 seconds at all ranks to 3, but the shield no longer degenerates over the duration.

Change BoxAbyssal Voyage Final IconAbyssal Voyage [ R ]
  • Passive removed (replaced with a weaker version in the Acquired Taste changes);
  • Cast range on active increased from 4000/5000/6000 to 4500/5500/6500;
  • Maximum channel duration decreased from 15 seconds at all ranks to 6;
  • Delay on recast and time for warning ping to appear are both decreased by 0.5 seconds.

Thresh Final Portrait

Buff BoxDamnation Final IconDamnation [ Passive ]
  • Dragon and Baron now drop 2 souls, up from 1.

Change BoxDarkPassageDark Passage [ W ]
  • 0.5 AP ratio removed; instead, each soul grants Dark Passage one more point of shields.

Trundle Final Portrait
  • Health decreased from 1.89 [+0.17 per level] to 1.2 [+0.15 per level].

Vladimir Final Portrait

Change BoxCrimson_PactCrimson Pact [ Passive ]
  • Vladimir now gains 1 AP per 40 points of bonus Health, decreased from 25;
  • Vladimir now gains 1.4 bonus Health per 1 AP, increased from 1.

Change BoxTransfusionTransfusion [ Q ]
  • Base damage changed from 80/100/120/140/160 [+0.45 AP] to 75/90/105/120/135 [+0.55 AP].

Volibear Final Portrait

Nerf BoxFrenzyFrenzy [ W ]
  • Base damage decreased from 80/125/170/215/260 to 60/110/160/210/260;
  • Attack Speed-per-stack decreased from 8/11/14/17/20% to 4/8/12/16/20% (total AS down from 24/33/42/51/60% to 12/24/36/48/60%).

Zyra Final Portrait

Change BoxRampant Growth Final IconRampant Growth [ W ]
  • Cooldown for a new seed changed from 17/16/15/14/13 seconds to 20/18/16/14/12.

Item Changes

Buff BoxAncient Coin Final IconAncient Coin
  • Now additionally grants 5% Cooldown reduction.

Buff BoxArdent Censer Final IconArdent Censer
  • Recipe cost decreased from 800 to 700 (total cost up from 2200 Gold to 2400 due to the Forbidden Idol change);
  • Ability Power increased from 40 to 60;
  • Mana regeneration decreased from 100% to 50%;
  • Now additionally grants 15% bonus to healing and shields.

Buff BoxBoots of Mobility Final IconBoots of Mobility
  • The out-of-combat MS buff is no longer disabled when killing an enemy ward or trinket.

Buff BoxEye of the Equinox Final IconEye of the Equinox
  • Execute damage changed from 400 to 320 [+5 per level].

Buff BoxFace of the Mountain Final IconFace of the Mountain
  • Execute damage changed from 400 to 320 [+20 per level].

Change Box3114_Forbidden_IdolForbidden Idol
  • Recipe cost increased from 300 to 600 (total cost up from 550 Gold to 850);
  • Now additionally grants 10% bonus to healing and shields.

Buff BoxMikaels Crucible Final IconMikael’s Crucible
  • Recipe cost decreased from 850 to 650 (total cost up from 2300 Gold to 2400 due to the Forbidden Idol change);
  • Now additionally grants 10% bonus to healing and shields.

Buff BoxNomads Medallion Final IconNomad’s Medallion
  • Now additionally grants 10% Cooldown reduction;
  • Health regeneration decreased from 50% to 25%;
  • Mana regeneration increased from 25% to 75%.

Buff BoxRelic ShieldRelic Shield
  • Execute damage changed from 200 to 195 [+5 per level].

Buff BoxRuby Sightstone Final IconRuby Sightstone
  • Combine cost decreased from 600 Gold to 400 (total cost down from 1800 Gold to 1600);
  • Cooldown reduction for actives on items increased from 10% to 20%.

Buff BoxSpellthief Final IconSpellthief’s Edge
  • Killing certain adds like Malzahar’s voidlings will no longer deactive the passive on Spellthief’s Edge.

Buff BoxTalisman of Ascension Final IconTalisman of Ascension
  • Recipe Changed: Raptor’s Cloak + Nomad’s Medallion + 450 Gold Combine Cost = 2500 Gold Total (total cost up from 2300 to 2500);
  • Now additionally grants 45 Armor;
  • Health regeneration increased from 100% to 150%;
  • Mana regeneration decreased from 100% to 75%;
  • New Unique Passive – Point Runner: Builds up to 20% Movement speed over 2 seconds when near turrets, fallen turrets and void gates.

Buff BoxTargons Brace Final IconTargon’s Brace
  • Execute damage changed from 240 to 200 [+5 per level].

L4T3NCY New PortraitHeya everyone, it’s been a lo~ong time since we’ve dropped a brand new mode, as we were busy building the RGM queue! To top it off, Nexus Siege is probably one of the biggest modes we’ve ever attempted making.
You came here to get details. ^_^ Let’s go.

Nexus Siege
Nexus Siege is a round based attack & defense game mode, where teams take turns at sieging the enemy’s Nexus using an arsenal of deadly new Siege Weapons. The team who destroys the enemy’s Nexus in the fastest time wins!
Players: 5v5
Map: Modified Summoner’s Rift
Mode type: Blind Draft pick type with Attack + Defend rounds.
General mechanics:
Round based:
Each team will take turns at sieging the enemy team’s base. Team 1 will set a time for destroying the enemy Nexus, then teams will swap sides. The longer Team 2 can hold out and defend, the more time they give themselves to push when its their turn to attack! If they can destroy the enemy nexus faster than Team 1 did, they win!
Siege Warp trinket and teleporting:
Both team have a variety of teleport pads to warp out to from fountain. Use the Siege Warp trinket to get into battle faster!
Crystal Shards:
This currency is the fuel for your siege Attack or Defense. All new Siege Weapons are purchased using Crystal Shards. Earn them by:
Attack side:
— Kill enemy champions
— Passively earned over time
Defense side:
–Kill enemy champions
–When the 1st tower in each lane is destroyed
–For each minion escorted and pushed into the enemy fountain
–Passively earned over time
Normalised EXP & Gold:
Gold & EXP are normalised for Nexus Siege across both teams. This means don’t worry about last-hitting, just push those minions as fast as you can!
Obliterator (Defense team only):
The Defense team is rewarded everytime they manage to safely escort and push a minion into one of the Attacking team’s fountains. If they can push 15 total minions up there, they trigger the Obliterator laser.
The Obliterator will kill all enemies in all lanes. All of them. Dead.
Very dead.
No seriously, get out of the lane if you’re not on the Defense team. :3
This is also a great lane reset for the Defending team, buying them precious extra minutes to stall.
Siege Weapons:
Both the Attack and Defense teams have 4 unique Siege Weapons they can purchase using Crystal Shards they earn during the game. All Siege Weapons use the Summoner Spell slot and are cast or deployed similar to Summoner Spells. You can carry up to 2 different Siege Weapons at once, and they do not stack in your Summoner Spell inventory (1 at a time). As you might have guessed, this also means there are NO Summoner Spells in Siege Mode. :)
Siege Ballista
A long ranged siege engine that will hammer away at enemy towers. These are excellent for applying pressure on defending teams who continually turtle and never come out from under their towers.
Vanguard Banner
Gives nearby allied minion significant combat stats for extra pushing power.
Shield Totem
Nearby allied Siege Weapons gain a recharging shield making them tougher to destroy.
Port Pad
Deploy additional teleport locations for your team, moving your forward point closer to the enemy base.
Tower Surge: Beam of Ruination
Attach to a nearby tower giving you control of 3 beam blasts from the tower. This does SERIOUS damage to enemy champions. ‘Ruinate’ your enemies. Do it. :)
Tower Surge: Firestorm Bulwark
An emergency Zhonya style shield for your tower that makes it invulnerable for a few seconds, then WRECKS all enemies that were around it in a rain of missiles. Great for clutch saves on a tower about to go down, buying you precious extra time.
Entropy Field
Freezes all enemy minions and slows all enemy champs within it’s zone. Can completely change the balance of a team fight.
Flash Zone
Throw down a large area that gives all allied champions inside the zone unlimited Flash on a 1sec cooldown. Great for team engages or reaching hidden nests of Siege Ballistae.

We won’t be immediately turning this mode on for PBE, but it will be coming soon. As you guys can see, there’s A LOT we need to get through for testing, so once we flip it on all help is appreciated. <3
Let the siege begin. :)
EDIT: Nexus Siege is now live for testing on PBE.
Known Bugs:
— Placeholder icons. There are many icons around the shop, siege weapons, buff bar, etc that are clearly placeholder. These will be updated as we go.
— Placeholder or missing sounds. There are a variety of sound FX that are still WIP or missing, these will be updated as we go.
— Titan bar icon for Crystal Generator will be removed. Ignore this feature.
— Shopkeepers are missing after the round swap. We’re still figuring out where they went (short vacation?)
— Siege Weapons in shop that you can’t afford aren’t correctly grey out, indicating that you can’t currently afford them.
— General performance. Low spec machines might struggle somewhat as we continue to optimise the mode’s visuals.
— End of Game screen has some new columns in it unique to Nexus Siege, but they are not yet hooked up and will look empty.
— Spectator. Various spectator bugs.

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